Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Alternative to killing your husband!

As I start on this journey of looking at the brighter spots in life, I hit upon a bump in the road. A day of annoyances from my husband. I have been fairly calm and good natured for quite some time now but today I was trying to get the dishes done, the floors washed, some laundry done, make his lunch and dinner (with absolutely no assistance) so that I could start on my homework, which is quite a bit of reading. What's he doing? Watching a movie that the whole neighborhood could hear!

So, in my spare time today, I picked up my Redbook magazine that I got a couple of days ago, and I start reading. I came across this cute article about putting your man on craigslist and what would you say? I read this and laughed out loud:

                                                    Free Husband
                                                      Sitting by the curb
                                                 In front of 1234 First Street.
                                                  If this posting is still up,
                                                      he's still out there.
                                                                 by Rachel Bourbois

All is calm now. I laughed my frustrations away. And what's even funnier.... he would be out there for a long time! (But I still love him).

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