Sunday, February 17, 2013

You can buy happinesss....and it's cheap

I just finished the book "You can buy happiness (and it's cheap) by Tammy Strobel.

I really loved this book. It was so inspirational. It's about the life of a couple who is living the American dream; they have a nice place to live full of lots of stuff and own nice new cars. The problem was that they were commuting an hour or more to work a long work day to pay for all their stuff. So they decided to make a change: move to a small place, get rid of their stuff and sell their cars. Their goal was to live in a tiny house and live a simplified life.

They now are not living the American dream. They are living the simplified dream. No more long commutes or long hours. They have a very affordable house (tiny house), enjoy life, bike everywhere, and live simplified. We should all take away from this that we don't need lots of "stuff" to make us happy. Lets live the uncomplicated, simplified, self-sustaining dream.

If you want to check her out, she has a website

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine Treat

How about a little treat tonight. This looks so good! I'm going out to get the stuff to make these tonight and I might even drizzle a little chocolate over them for some extra yumminess.

Thank you Cat Davis for this wonderful treat idea. Visit her sit at:

Here's the link for the recipe which is easy peasy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I found this wonderful quote from Inspiration Daily.
Just what I needed!

Feelings of failure


Well the last few days have just sucked! I don't know if it's the weather or just the stress and frustration of everyday life. I haven't complimented anyone yet and I have done quite a bit of cursing the past few days. Yesterday was the worse because my computer was acting up and I was trying to finish an assignment.  

I need some encouragement to get back on the road to success. I need to find a better outlet for my frustrations. If I have my mouth stuffed I can't say anything. It's a great concept but I already have a bunch of "winter" weight to lose. Guess I will have to give it some thought.

On a brighter note, I'm just finishing a book by Tammy Strobel called "You Can Buy Happiness (and it's Cheap)"
Stayed tuned for a summary and a review.

Friday, February 1, 2013

February's Challenge: Double C's

Well the "no news" for January went well and I think I will continue it onto February. I feel that my life is more simplistic and less complicated not knowing everything. The "no weather" was a fail but I have cut down quite a bit.

This months challenge will consist of 2 things (the double C's): to stop all cursing and to compliment people. I'm going to try and compliment people that I come into contact with. Everybody needs to feel good in this world and maybe I can make a few people feel special. I'm usually pretty quiet in public but I'm going to push my boundaries and try to say some kind of compliment to random people. I'm also going to compliment friends and family either in person or on facebook .... so just be warned (it could be worse, I was considering a month full of hugs). I'm hoping this will bring some spiritual enlightening to my life and make somebody's day feel better.

I'm also going to go cold turkey on cursing. I don't curse real bad but when I feel overwhelmed, frustrated or angry the words can come right out. So this month I'm going to try my hardest not to say ANY bad words. So if I happen to be having a bad day and you hear me start....just kindly remind of my months mission. Wish me luck!